I’m Zach

I haven’t eaten desserts or candy for 4 years, but I like açaí bowls and matching my socks with my ties. I’m in a storytelling guild and sometimes play washboard in a bluegrass band. I’ve read 40+ books from Orson Scott Card and listened to hundreds of hours of audio books in English and German.
I’m vulnerable, a full-time therapist, and a regular blogger. I’m passionate about passion, courage, and authenticity, and enjoy traveling, learning, writing, and dreaming. I sin and repent regularly, and I try to see God’s hand (HWN) in my life regularly.
My greatest adventures in life are to discover who I am, who God is, and who you are :) This blog is a record of my adventure!
And I’m a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:)

Comments made on my blog are personal opinions and not a representation of any organization.
Hi Zach! Thank you for the visit :)
hello zach.. Thank you so much for dropping by my blog desisoulart.wordpress.com.. may god guide u on your quest!!
Thank you for liking my post. God bless you.
Hi Zack ! I wanted to come over and thank you for dropping by my blog “Reflections of a Secular Franciscan” http://brotherbearsfo.wordpress.com It was great to have you along ! God bless you on your journey !
Good to meet a fellow traveler, Zach.
Thanks for liking our blog
Zach: Thanks for stopping by and liking my ForeWords blog. I’m part of a very different and divergent branch of the Latter Day Saint movement, the Community of Christ. All the best to you on your spiritual journey.
Thanks for liking my blog post at https://knowledgeandproclamation.wordpress.com/ Please feel free to comeback and browse my content anytime. Thanks again.
Hello Zach, Interesting Bios and the fact that you are a Mormon How is Mormonism different from Traditional Christianity? I would like to know. What are the basic tenets of Mormonism? Anand Bose from Kerala
Hey thanks for asking :) You can find a lot of answers at http://www.mormong.org! In general, I think we’re very similar to other branches of Christianity. Some main differences might include: current prophets and modern revelation, temple work and priesthood ordinances, and the Book of Mormon. Let me know if you’d like to talk more :) Feel free to email me through my contact page.
Yes, Zach I will look into the site
Hi Zach. Thanks for liking my blog. I am happy to have discovered your blog.
Hello fellow blogger. Love that you are a vulnerability enthusiast. I have recently joined that club too.
Hi Zach. Thanks for liking my blog. Love reading and writing so will look forward to reading your posts.
Hi Zach, Thanks for visiting/liking my blog. I love the term “vulnerability-enthusiast” and pray for the grace to become one! (I am still quite the “vulnerability-resistor”).
Hi Zach . Thank you and God bless you for following my blog posts and liking them . I will definitely be following yours as well .