Father’s Day 2015

Two things…

Like many of you, I got to call my father and my grandpa today :) I wrote this poem for my dad:

Because I know you…

I’m not sure where I’ll end up,
but I know you’ll help me get there.
No matter how long my journey is,
I know you’ll always care.

I know you’ll listen to my plans,
To my hopes, my failures, and my fears.
You’ll rejoice in my successes,
And join me in my tears.

I know you’ll trust my judgement,
And seek to understand
Why I choose what I do.
And by my decisions you’ll stand.

I know you’ll share wise advice
That reflects your love for me.
And I know you’ll make
My happiness a priority.

I know you’ll love me
And you’ll know I love you too.
I know these things of the future,
Because I know you.


Second, here is one of my favorite quotes from Sunday school today:

“When we put God first, all other things fall into their proper place or drop out of our lives.” (President Benson)

I heard HWN today through love from my father, grandfather, and Heavenly Father :)

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