Not my will, but thine, be done

Not my will, but thine, be done

In the Garden of Gethsemane, Christ prayed:

“Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done.”

Luke 22:42

He recognized his need to submit His Father’s will.

What is the will of the Father?

Recently, I’ve pondered on three aspects of our Heavenly Parents’ will I need to submit to: (1) their timing and purpose for me, (2) their desire for me to use my agency, and (3) their desire for others to use their agency.

I’ve had difficulty with all three of these at different points in my life: (1) difficulty waiting on the Lord’s timing, (2) difficulty making and committing to decisions, and (3) difficulty experiencing the consequences or timing of others’ decisions.

Thy will be done

This is what life is about.

I need to learn to trust in my Heavenly Parents’ timing, trust in my ability to exercise my agency, and accept with patience and respect how others use their agency. All three of those things are implicit to saying and truly meaning: “Thy will be done.”

In addition, although how we use our agency can cause pain, it can also create some of the most beauty and connection — when people love, respect, and serve each other :) Let’s try to use our agency that way!

My recent HWN has been in pondering on the power and importance of agency.

p.s. Lots has happened since my last post :) I took a solo trip to Ashton Gardens Tulip Festival (check out all my photos here)…

Tulip Festival, Thanksgiving Point

…and a group trip down to Southern Utah (here’s my story photo album. My friend Karri also drove up from California :)

And I had some good bonding time with family :)

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