The Strike (live) and happiness

The concert ended a couple hours ago, and my ears are still ringing! I did a group date to The Strike at The Velour — a fun way to end the long weekend :)

They had Mimi Knowles open for them, and the energy was pretty high!

Mimi Knowles at The Velour

I wasn’t sure if The Strike could maintain the energy, but they brought it even higher!!! Here’s a video of them coming onto stage, and their opening song…

This was my first of any such concert like this and it wasn’t a disappointment! So fun and enjoyable :) (Although I’m still not sure how long the ringing in the ears lasts… ;)

I do a lot of posts about HWN through fun events, and I recognize that fun is only a part of this life :) I read this quote from Claudio R. M. Costa today

“Both fun and happiness are fine, but certainly happiness is the most worth seeking. Happiness can encompass fun as well, but fun alone will not assure us true happiness.”

I think fun events add a spice or seasoning to happiness found in life :)

p.s. Danny and I also got to meet Collin for lunch at Spicy Thai to celebrate his birthday :)


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