Why can’t we be friends?

Ever seen jealous ducks?  I guess they can be pretty territorial — as if one had sole rights to the bread I brought (see video below).  I guess the bossy one was there first though…

I wonder… do I ever do the same thing?  Shortly after my visit with the ducks, I sat on a nice pavilion nearby, prime location for watching the sun set.  An apparently engaged couple and their photographer headed my way, making casual signs of interest in the pavilion as a photo spot.  But I was there first, right?  Whether out of chivalry or merely an avoidance of social awkwardness, I decided to move.

I heard heaven’s white noise today through juxtaposed reminders that our world is a gift to be shared.

p.s. funny story about the engaged couple… during their photo shoot, I heard the girl shriek and say, “3 months till our wedding, and you mix up my name with Nicole!!!”  Funny, and kind-of sad I guess…

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