Anguishing desperation

Earlier today, I thought again of the young adult fireside on Sunday, and watched Sister Nelson’s address. These words had stuck out to me, and they became very relevant later in the day:

My dear brothers and sisters, whom I love, the reality is that someday you and I will each have an individual face-to-face interview with the Savior Himself. When this eventuality becomes real to us, we will be willing to do whatever it takes to be prepared… I pray that, this year, you will have some moments of anguishing desperation that will propel you further along the path to becoming the man or woman you were born to be. Your true self is spectacular. Never settle for less!

Last night, I found out that some very close friends are going through a separation. I stopped breathing. I felt disbelief, confusion, anger, fear, and hopelessness.

This evening, I spoke with the wife for a few hours. I felt her heart-ache and sorrow. And I learned from her :) I’m impressed with her humility and desire to be better. I heard no criticism of her husband, rather love and faith in the Lord. She asked me to give her a blessing, and we felt heavenly beings present during the blessing.

I heard HWN today in my friend’s and my desperation, and in the answers we felt from the Lord as a result.



3 thoughts on “Anguishing desperation

  1. Thank you Zach for stopping by and liking my blog “Are You Sure of Your Destiny?” It is only through believing in the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross for our sins that we can be sure. May you find this assurance in your walk with Him, the I AM who will come and walk with you in your faith journey.

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