Are you doing what the Lord wants you to do?

I watched an old Leadership Enrichment Series address from Elder Robert C. Gay, and was impressed by this main message of his talk (incidentally, I watched this broadcast by accident. I meant to click the link for the live one, and ended up here… I think it was meant to be though :). It seemed to me that everything he shared focused on this question:

“Are you doing what the Lord wants you to do?”

Are you doing

I decided to make a quote photo for my phone’s lock screen :) This is a simple question, and it can have powerful ramifications. Imagine how life would be if we lived in a way to consistently answer yes! My HWN today came through pondering this question in regards to my life in general and in specific areas :)

p.s. Happy Birthday mom! :) I wrote this poem for you recently:

When you see

When I hurt
And pain is heavy
It’s easier to bear
when you see

When in my life
My problems are many
They seem like less
When you see

When I need to change
To become more than me
You help me most
When you see

When life is good
And I feel free
I feel it more
When you see

You’re the witness I need
When you’re here with me
It helps just through the fact
That you see

Even if it’s all you do
To stand by me
It’s enough
When you see

You’re like Christ
When you see
Because He sees me

Love you, mom!

p.s.s. I got some nice shots of a deer and later her fawn as well that seemed to be following me around my evening walk on Sunday :)

As well as some shots of the sunset :)

Monday night I got an amazing view of Utah County from a ridge on the Dry Canyon hike in Lindon :)

Dry Canyon

And last night, we celebrating the wedding of Elena and Michael Call. Congratulations!

Elena and Michael

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