Faith isn’t faith until…

This quote came to mind while pondering over the last week…

“Faith isn’t faith until you have no more left to give.”

Elder Holland shared this when he visited my mission back about 10 years ago, and I’ve thought about it frequently since then. Mostly for me it has been relevant when I’m feeling emotionally tired… and I felt that this week. I really had an opportunity to exercise faith!

I also thought about this while reflecting on a hike with a friend that ended up being more strenuous than we had planned (especially with a limited time to finish it), and we were both physically tired by the end. There was another example to exercise faith — when it seemed we had no more left to give!

I’m grateful for how grace makes up for my lack, and keeps me going when I have no more to give!

p.s. I went to Bryce Canyon the last few days of this week. Beautiful place!!! Check out my whole photo album here.

inspiration point

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