Do I have to know?

Do I have to know?

I read Alma’s words to his son Corianton this week. Alma taught him about the resurrection, and what stuck out to me was when Alma (the prophet) pointed out his ignorance on a topic…

Now, whether there shall be one time, or a second time, or a third time, that men shall come forth from the dead, it mattereth not; for God knoweth all these things; and it sufficeth me to know that this is the case—that there is a time appointed that all shall rise from the dead. (Alma 40:5)

Sometimes I wonder when or how certain things will happen, but I appreciate Alma’s example (my HWN recently) of acknowledging that God knowing something is enough :) I don’t have to know many things because God knows all things :)

p.s. I enjoyed going to Vegas for my dad’s and nephew’s birthdays a couple weeks ago :) Check out a few more photos here.

p.p.s. Check out the Batman and Robin costumes my friend Matt and I made for a recent ward activity :)

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