Emotional protection

Last few days of March, and the weather is still deciding if it’s Winter or Spring…


Some things in my profession can lead to what’s called secondary or vicarious trauma — “the stress resulting from helping or wanting to help a traumatized or suffering person.”* I frequently pray for emotional protection and support in my work, and feeling this protection was my HWN today :)

Also, I added a recording of Jenny’s singing in Sacrament meeting for Easter to my post on Sunday. Check it out :)



*Figley, C.R. (Ed.) (1995). Compassion Fatigue: Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorders from Treating the Traumatized. New York: Brunner/Mazel, p.7.

2 thoughts on “Emotional protection

  1. I truly am amazed at what you must go through emotionally. Knowing you personally, I’m confident you are capable of such. I too am grateful for the heavenly power that helps us remain strong despite the challenges of mortality.

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