Laugh out Loud

I went to BYU’s comedy sports group tonight, Laugh out Loud, with my friend Christine. I heard HWN in the power of humor to brighten people’s days! The whole room was definitely laughing out loud :) After that we went to a bonfire with a bunch of friends too :)



Also, have you ever wondered what’s behind the strangely skinny locked doors in some public bathrooms? You may have been able to guess anyways, but I got see inside tonight! Some janitor left his keys behind (I hope he realized it… those are probably pretty expensive), but I got to take a peek:

During the day, I went to the final day of the Gottman Level 1 training. One sad thing that stuck out to me was from John Gottman who said “We can’t find any algorithm better than random pairing that can predict two people falling in love with.” And that from one of the most prominent marriage researchers in the world — no wonder it’s so hard!

On a happier note… drum roll please… I won a $100 American Express gift card in one of the raffles!!!


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