Montreal, Day 2!

My favorite part of the day was sitting outside of the Notre-Dame Basilica, listening to a couple street performers. What a peaceful and contemplative experience! I heard HWN as I enjoyed this unique ambience (you gotta use a French word when you’re in Montreal, right?) on a Sabbath morning.

And check out this sweet red-roofed church (Church of St. John the Evangelist) we saw on the way :)

Church of St. John the Evangelist

In the afternoon, I made it to the church building for the YSA branch, but ended up missing the English meeting — the time had changed from what I had been told. That meant I got to enjoy sacrament meeting, Sunday school, and Priesthood in French though :) Some kind individuals helped translate for me some, and I learned how to introduce myself in French!

In the evening, we walked around Chinatown and enjoyed an authentic Chinese meal — even got a discount for ordering in Chinese :)

Finally, since we enjoyed it so much in the morning, we went back to the Notre-Dame Basilica and were delighted by the night display!

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