Mother’s Day 2015

I wrote this poem for my mom today :)

Love Imperfection

In fact, I’m imperfect,
As I know you see.
While you know this,
I know you love me.

You also are imperfect,
I know this too.
While I know this,
I also love you.

We’re on a journey
Where one thing is key:
To love imperfection

The longer we live,
I’m sure we could find,
Ever more reason
To change our mind.

But we have an example
From our Father above.
So we try to emulate,
His perfect love.

We look to Him
To help us see
How to love imperfection

In your efforts,
I’m able to feel
And know more fully
His love is real.

I feel this from you
As you try to be
What God is for us,
So you to me.

And thus I learn
What it means
To love imperfection

As it was mother’s day, we also got to skype with my brother, Daniel — he’ll be back from his mission in 6 weeks!


I heard HWN today through my love for and from my family! :)

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