X-men, Gods, and Babies

I watched the new X-Men movie tonight, and pondered after on the display of power (my HWN). The villain and heroes all have superpowers, which is an idea that appeals to a lot of people… hence the movie already reaching almost $200 million dollars. I think the idea of superpowers is so appealing because progression is hardwired into us. As children of God, we have an opportunity to grow and become like Him, and I believe this is something our spirit remembers. The superheroes we create are a reflection of our natural and intrinsic desire to become better — more than we are.


It’s the atonement of Christ that help us become like our Father in Heaven. And it’s our choice to accept the atonement. I think that if I can do better at remembering my divine heritage and potential, I will do better at choosing to live accordingly and apply the atonement in my life. This is why we have been given the gospel of Christ!


Unfortunately, Satan knows about our natural desire to progress as well. He can use this to distract us through an excess of video games, books, TV, movies or so many other things (where we can artificially be Gods!). I want to be wary of distractions that feign eternal progress through artificial progress!


And in regards to “babies” — my brother Matthew and his wife Chandler had their baby boy tonight! My first nephew! :)

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