What greater witness?

My HWN this week came as I pondered on faith and hope. Particularly in regards to dating. My experience with dating has taught me I can learn and grow through dating, but I can’t turn dating into a long-term relationship. If I were to base my faith and hope on this repeated experience, I’d expect my future to look the same… not necessarily a bright future.

These verses (D&C 6:22-24) stuck out to me in this context this week:

Verily, verily, I say unto you, if you desire a further witness, cast your mind upon the night that you cried unto me in your heart, that you might know concerning the truth of these things.

Did I not speak peace to your mind concerning the matter? What greater witness can you have than from God?

And now, behold, you have received a witness; for if I have told you things which no man knoweth have you not received a witness?

I have prayed for and received hope from Heavenly Father. And I sometimes doubt it… I have thought, “What evidence do I have for this hope? My experience teaches me not to hope.” My answer came from these verses, that the greatest evidence comes from God :) That’s what I hold on to.

And here are some highlights from this week :) On Wednesday, I saw perhaps one of the most clear rainbows of my life! If you look closely, you’ll even see that it’s a double rainbow!

double rainbow

Rainbow at the ROB

My car had to be towed from Riverton down to Provo on Friday… I was driving from my work to a training up in Salt Lake, and my exhaust pipe broke off at the Resonator! It was dragging on the ground (you can see it if you look closely in the picture). Fortunately, with my roadside assistance, the tow only cost about $30 and fixing the pipe only about $50. I was worried it would have been a lot more!

broken exhaust pipe

Friday night, I met some great friends for dinner :) A reunion of FLSR-ites from the German house from 2009 – 2010!


Yesterday, Paul and I enjoyed the Fall weather during a hike up Rock Canyon :) Do you see something living in this first picture?

spider in leaves

I love the colors!

fall leaves on trail

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